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Waterproofing of flat surfaces made easy

Waterproofing of flat surfaces is challenging at the best of times, especially on roofs and high-risk areas such as balconies and terraces with rooms below. This combined with the impact of local weather patterns creates a need for a solution that not only resists the harsh impact of the environment by an easily applied solution that conforms to the highest quality of standards.

Easy, ready-to-use waterproofing

PURTOP EASY is a range of ready-to-use, single component polyurethane products from MAPEI for waterproofing exposed concrete slabs and roofs, balconies, and terraces; and portable water tanks with just two easy, roller applied coats. The high elasticity and excellent bond strength to substrates of the Purtop polyurethane products make them ideal for both new and old buildings, rapidly guaranteeing a perfectly waterproofed structure.

The ideal, versatile product

The PURTOP EASY versatility also allows each installer to choose their preferred application method: with a trowel, roller, or airless spray and can be used on various substrates.

Once cured, PURTOP EASY has a certified lifespan of 25 years and provides a seamless, durable elastic membrane with no overlaps and excellent crack-bridging properties that withstand normal dynamic stresses on the structure.

For more information, contact MAPEI:
Tel: +27 11 552 8476

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