Cement & Concrete SA (CCSA) has noted the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), who have put forward the position that parties should act to protect the climate system “on the basis of equality and in accordance with their common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities” based on Principle 7 of the Rio Declaration at the first Rio Earth Summit in 1992.
CCSA response
CCSA member companies aspire to net-zero emissions by 2050, with milestones informed by decarbonisation along a 1,5-degree trajectory. The key initial milestone will be set at 2030. “This is to comply with CCSA climate change commitments in line with the national NDC and Paris Agreement,” says Dr Dhiraj Rama, CCSA industry executive.
Key matters
Dr Rama will provide support, direction and leadership to members and will also monitor progress at sector level. Key matters to note include:
- Monitoring covers both Scope 1 and 2 emissions of the company.
- The GHG inventory would be expanded with supported technology interventions and the implementation of Scope 3 emission monitoring programmes by stakeholders.
- The trajectory is based on the understanding that the cement sector is a hard-to-abate sector and would be supported by:
- Technical, technological and fiscal support.
- Appropriate policy implementation and support to secure both green energy and alternate fuels and resources.
- Optimising the operation of current production plants.
- Future plants will ensure emission-efficient technologies.
- Access to carbon offsets.
- The climate response action will be underpinned by “just transition”.
- Sector performance of the GHG emission profile will be reported on a regular basis, with CCSA ensuring support to its members. Key requirements include compliance to:
- Draft methodological guidelines for the quantification of greenhouse gas emissions.
- Technical guidelines for the validation and verification of greenhouse gas emissions.
To read the full announcement, click here: https://cemcon-sa.org.za/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/CEMENT-AND-CONCRETE-SA-ANNOUNCES-‘VISION-NET-ZERO-CARBON’-BY-2050-FOR-ITS-PARTNER-MEMBERS.pdf
Insert in box: CCSA members to comply with climate change commitments.
For more information, contact CCSA:
Tel: +27 11 315 0300
Email: info@cemcon-sa.co.za
Website: www.cemcon-sa.org.za
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