SAVA (South African Vinyl’s Association)

The South African Vinyl’s Association (SAVA) is leading the way to greener, more responsible vinyl flooring through its Green Tick product label. Monique Holtzhausen, Chief Executive Officer of SAVA explains, “Choose excellence, choose sustainability, choose the Green Tick product label!” 

Product stewardship 

Viny floors elevate any space with their unparalleled beauty, durability, ease of maintenance and ability to withstand high volumes of foot traffic. But, not all vinyl floors are created equal. To ensure peace of mind for the end-market, SAVA is encouraging vinyl flooring suppliers to sign up as members, and voluntarily adhere to its Product Stewardship Commitment (PSC).  

The PSC is a series of achievable commitments to address the industry’s environmental issues, which are based on international health and safety standards, and best practice models. 

Focus areas 

SAVA (South African Vinyl’s Association)

The PSC is divided into four focus areas which SAVA members are committed to achieve, in relation to the manufacturing of all vinyl products, both imported and locally produced. These include: 

  • Sustainable manufacturing 
  • Sustainable use of additives 
  • Cow-molecular weight phthalate plasticisers 
  • Closed-loop management 

Why join SAVA? 

Holtzhausen invites vinyl flooring manufacturers and suppliers to become proud members of SAVA, demonstrating a dedication to safe practices, approved additives, and sustainability.  

Membership to SAVA allows companies to have a say in the issues that directly impact and influence the vinyls industry. As with most plastic applications, PVC markets are continuously under threat from other materials. Competitors don’t hesitate to spread false information, or half-truths in an effort to promote their own products.  

“SAVA is committed to helping our members not only protect their markets, but expand their customer base by communicating scientifically proven information about the benefits, versatility and excellent performance of vinyls” says Holtzhausen. “Join a community that’s reshaping the future of vinyl flooring.” 

Membership benefits 

  • Networking opportunities with industry peers and leaders 
  • Access to industry-specific resources, research, and publications 
  • Participation in conferences, seminars, and workshops for professional development at a specially discounted cost  
  • Advocacy and representation on behalf of members’ interests in legislative and regulatory matters 
  • Discounts on products, services, and events offered by association partners 
  • Opportunities for collaboration and partnerships with other members 
  • Recognition and credibility within the industry through association affiliation 
  • Updates on industry trends, news, and best practices 
  • Access to mentorship and guidance from seasoned professionals 
  • Opportunities for leadership roles within the association, enhancing visibility and influence 
  • Voting rights  
  • Exposure on the SAVA website 
  • Being awarded the annual membership certificates and Green Tick (upon completion of Product Stewardship Commitment survey) 

Green Tick 

The Green Tick product label serves as a sustainability certification of goods and services based on an independent, full life cycle assessment of conventionally produced goods from “cradle to grave”.  

SAVA membership, and the Green Tick product label are symbols of members’ commitment to excellence, and consumer confidence in purchasing safe, responsible and sustainable vinyl floors. 

For more information, contact SAVA: 

Tel: +27 21 531 0313 / +27 71 083 5219 



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