Main image: Tier – Live Oak Natural

Tier Flooring has always used powerful technology to create beautiful, hard-wearing and durable finishes for floors. Now, with its visualiser app, selecting an ideal colour scheme for your home just became a whole lot easier.

New app a walk in the park

To use it, visit the Tier Flooring website at, take a picture of the room that needs a makeover or upload it and start selecting from the broad range of Tier Flooring collections.

“The days of paint swatches are gone. They were impractical because of their small size, and it was difficult to conceptualise a room makeover if more than one colour was going to be used. For tiles – whether on floors or feature walls – it was especially difficult to get an idea of how a living space would look. The capability of digital technology makes restyling a home easy and quick,” says Shelley Galliver, Marketing Director of Eva-Last, the building products group behind Tier Flooring.

Wide range of luxury flooring

Tier Flooring is a highly specialised, luxury rigid-core flooring range designed to impress. Providing a luxury feel that is quieter underfoot, Tier Flooring is resistant to heat, water, volatile organic compounds, biological pests and has an internationally recognised fire-resistance rating making it a safe and hygienic solution for any office or family room. Quick and easy click-in installation ensures that there is almost no disruption to life while a room is being rejuvenated.

Tier Flooring is a highly specialised, luxury rigid-core flooring range designed to impress.

Various settings and lay patterns

Whether it is an office, kitchen, lounge or bedroom, the app seamlessly overlays selected colour schemes so that you can find the ideal match for your room. Ready-made arrangements for typical room setups are also available. This is especially helpful in creating the perfect look when there is no existing furniture or fittings. Room views can be rotated, and it is possible to choose from various lay patterns. You can request a quotation with a single click to move to the next step of purchasing once you have chosen your colour.

For more information, contact Eva-Last:
Tel: +27 10 593 9221

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