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New upgraded 600m Rangefinder

The new 2022 upgraded Tork Craft 600m Rangefinder, replacing the previous model, is fitted with all the latest technology – speed, trajectory, target lock modes and now with a new slope feature. It is ideal for construction, building, architects, conveyors, landscapers, outdoor TV production, sport, defence/army, hunting, outdoor adventurers and marine.  

Packed with all the essential features

The 2022 Tork Craft Rangefinder is packed with all the features – it has a range of up to 600m and a Diopter of about 5D with an accuracy of about 0,5m. It also offers functions such as target lock, continuous measurement and a full LCD display. The new model now has an external on/off button slope feature, lens zoom magnification of six times fixed focal length range and a seven-degree view angle. A handy, non-visible, built-in magnetic strip has also been added on the side for better support stability.

This new model’s unique range finder comes with a 16mm diameter eyepiece lens, a 22mm diameter objective lens, a laser receiving lens, a seven-degree field of view, an ultra-quick measure mode unit change and on/off measure key. The target lock eliminates interference and locks target ranging. The trajectory compensation calculates about 20 degrees between the distance and vertical angle.

The unit is USB, with a built-in rechargeable lithium battery, and comes with a free handy zip pouch.

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