Science and technology are what develop societies, but these require a lot of energy. It takes energy to produce, conserve, transport, process and dispose of food. Hospitals, homes, schools, offices and factories all need energy. People want access to the Internet and data centres are power hungry. The list goes on. Technopol SA discusses the issue further.
The problem
Unfortunately, producing energy has not been kind to the environment. Given that climate change is a serious threat, there is a pressing need to adapt. Resources are finite too, so learning to make better use of them is key.
So, what can be done? Thankfully science and technology are yet again at our disposition.
By using some of the materials that are already available to create thermally controlled environments in homes, offices, agricultural and industrial buildings, their energy use can be reduced. The question is, how cost-effective is it? Does it make sense from a lifecycle point of view?
Technopol SA is a leading manufacturer of expanded polystyrene (LiteCelTM EPS) in South Africa. Expanded polystyrene (EPS) is a benchmark insulation material. It’s 98% air, non-toxic and 100% recyclable. It’s lightweight, durable, easy to use, versatile and abundant. It is used extensively in building and construction of ceilings and walls, floor slabs, building extensions, livestock housing and cold rooms.
Thanks to innovation, the tools that are needed to solve the challenges of our time are available or can be developed. Combined with adequate policies, Technopol SA believes that the industrial sector can help achieve some remarkable outcomes for society and better the human condition.
Issue: Practical alternatives for energy conservation.
Solution: Using existing materials more effectively.
For more information, contact Technopol SA:
Tel: +27 11 363 2780/1/2
Website: or
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