Kirk was established in August 2002 and has grown from specifying one brand, M.Trim, to having ten brands today – four of the brands being specifying brands:
- M.Trim, including the Kirk Décor range.
- Kirk Structural.
- MasterMat Entrance Mats.
- Kirk Mosaics.
Locally manufactured
M.Trim, Kirk’s oldest brand, is locally manufactured and the market-leading brand designed for all the different types of floors and walls. It includes multiple solutions:
- Internal and external corner protection.
- Thresholds.
- Ramps.
- Stair-nosings.
- Movement joints (needed for saw cuts).
- Edge protection.
- Listellos.
- Décor.
Products are available in base materials aluminium, brass, stainless steel and PVC, and in a wide variety of colours and finishes.
Comprehensive range
Kirk Structural incorporates three brands:
- Locally manufactured M.Trim, allowing structural movement of about 5mm.
- Arfen – greater movement range.
- Vexcolt offer greater diversity in movement.
MasterMat Entrance Mats offers customised entrance mats and standard-size mats for double- or single-door entrances. Kirk Mosaic offers a selected range of porcelain and glass mosaics for splashbacks, floors, shower or wet areas and swimming pools.
For more information, contact Kirk:
Tel: 27 11 444 1441
Email: sales@kirk.co.za
Website: http://kirk.co.za
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