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Fast facts on fasteners

facts on fasteners

A roofing or cladding installation is often only as good as the choice of fasteners used. Pretoria-based Flashing Centre has forged an excellent reputation within the sheet metal cladding, facade, flashings and rainwater goods sector. It advises on the importance of knowing what you are specifying, for the integrity of the roof and cladding of the building

Class distinction 

Specialised roofing and cladding fasteners are classified for ease of use. Class 3 and Class 4 roofing fasteners are recommended for external roofing applications to ensure longevity and the integrity of the roof. These classes of fasteners are the best against corrosion, with a minimum grade of coating required for external applications.

Specialised roofing and cladding fasteners are vital to ensure the integrity of the roof and cladding of a building.

Product options

Tapperman range

Flashing Centre stocks a range of Tapperman fasteners from Corroshield in Class 3 and 4.

Corroshield aluminium-bonded washers with grey EPDM are used for additional waterproofing and can also be used with translucent roof sheeting. The washers have a diameter of 0,8mm and lengths of 19mm and 25mm.

Multifix range

All Multifix screws comply with AS3566, are easily traceable and warranties are provided on request. A variety of products are stocked at Flashing Centre:

Future forward

With over 50 years of experience, Flashing Centre has been focussed on sustainable construction products that last and can be easily recycled, right from its inception. This “cradle to grave” philosophy starts from the design through to using materials that can be recycled at the end of the operational life of a building.


Specialised roofing and cladding fasteners are vital to ensure the integrity of the roof and cladding of a building.


For more information, contact Flashing Centre:

Tel: +27 12 333 3784



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