Apart from its essential sustainability and resilience in industrial flooring and pavement applications, there are other diverse benefits of concrete floors in construction, says Bryan Perrie, chief executive officer of Cement & Concrete SA (CCSA).
Creating space
A shallower floor system is an important structural advantage of concrete buildings, which can accommodate an additional floor for each ten storeys of a traditional building’s height, offering more rentable space than other building materials.
Collaborative spaces
Concrete’s exceptional loadbearing properties allow for longer floor spans and fewer supporting columns in new structures. “This offers flexibility in architectural layout and even more usable space,” says Perrie.
Data distribution
Thin concrete floor structures allow for the layout of raised floor systems in which cabling/wiring is installed in the space below offices.
Sound reduction
The natural mass of concrete floor and wall systems provides both acoustical resistance and vibration control.
Specially designed concrete pavers and attractive concrete surface treatments can turn the world’s oldest building material into a stunning decorative feature underfoot.
Top tip: With special treatment such as polishing, concrete floors can create durable and aesthetically striking features for commercial properties.
For more information, contact CCSA:
Tel: +27 11 315 0300
Email: info@cemcon-sa.co.za
Website: www.cemcon-sa.org.za