It was chilly outside, but inside the discussions were heated for DAS Durban!
Our line-up of speakers shared their thoughts and sparked some debate in the room, which is what DAS is all about.
Thoughts from the day
“Whether we plan for it or not, the pace of urbanisation is increasing” – Joanne Lees from DesignCoLab.
“We want to build new horizons with you, the professionals” – Willem Grove, BMI Coverland.
“Become an influence amongst other disciplines of the built environment professionals. Build delightful places” – Nathan Iyer of Iyer Architects.
Narrating the creative process from conception to practical execution were Tanya and Louis Boshoff of Boshoff Architects.
“Communication has a monetary value in a business”– Ilze Olivier from DevCom Strategic Communication.
Transformed thinking with SAIA ‘many voices’ webinars, explains Karuni Naidoo of CNN Architects.
What the delegates had to say:
“Great conference – we should have more!”
“Excellent presentations and speakers. Well organised!”
“Breath of fresh air!”
“Very valid points that should be discussed more”.
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