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DAS Johannesburg bridges the divide

DAS Johannesburg

It was with great pleasure that the Media in Africa team hosted a group of architects, designers and specifiers at the annual DAS Event, which was held in Midrand in March 2024. 

Adrian Maserow of AMA Architects

The event started with a presentation from Adrian Maserow of AMA Architects, who shared the value of drawing into architecture. “Computer-generated designs shouldn’t overtake sketching, it should be part of the repertoire,” he said.  

William Grove from BMI Coverland

William Grove from BMI Coverland spoke about inspiring new horizons and introduced an exclusive new award. 

Andre Krige from TwoFiveFive Architects

Andre Krige from TwoFiveFive Architects talked about how to move from isolation to integration, through community collaboration. He illustrated his point with two of their projects in Cape Town that engaged with the surrounding residents with great success. 

Tariq Toffa

University of Pretoria lecturer and architect, Tariq Toffa, discussed approaches to urban health and public space. He questioned the social-spatial context for healthy cities. He said: “We need to understand the social settings and develop for that bigger picture. We need relationships, collaborations and frameworks where things work together.”  

Asher Marcus of Hubo Studio

Asher Marcus of Hubo Studio spoke about the work being done in educational spaces with his presentation, “Spaces as visionary as you are”, promoting the need for classrooms to evolve and transform from “boxes” into a network of spaces. “Schools are also cities, albeit a filtered version,” he explained 

Isoboard’s Mark Russel

Isoboard’s Mark Russel shared some insights into insulation… with a short video presentation. 

Inge de Beer and Handre de la Rey of DG Architects

Discussing their award-winning design, “The Solar Cell”, Inge de Beer and Handre de la Rey of DG Architects shared their vision of architecture integrated with solar, not just photovoltaic. They said: “Having recently celebrated our 30th anniversary, we asked how do we reach the next 30 years sustainably?” 

Mia Pulles

Corobrik Award finalist, Mia Pulles, presented her passion project, “Resuscitating the Melville Koppies”. The design is an interpretive journey through the site, which includes its historic elements. She explained: “The materiality is designed for aging, in keeping with the site’s history. Time is the key concept.” 

Francois Luc Groenewald of SAOTA

Finishing the day, Francois Luc Groenewald of SAOTA presented his thesis project. The project, titled “The SAAF Exploratorium”, delves into how to physically connect the monument and museum at the Swartkop Air Force Base, including the historical hangers and heritage artifacts. “Researching and understanding the history, take it from a singular event to a multi-sided narrative,” he concluded. 

Thanks to the sponsors of this event!

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