South African architecture celebrated South African architecture celebrated South African architecture celebrated
The rise of the sustainable neighbourhood The rise of the sustainable neighbourhood The rise of the sustainable neighbourhood
Fast-track efflorescence removal from Amazon Fast-track efflorescence removal from Amazon Fast-track efflorescence removal from Amazon
Maximising a small site for a tall building Maximising a small site for a tall building Maximising a small site for a tall building
Constructing durable factory floors with colloidal silica P3 Constructing durable factory floors with colloidal silica P3 Constructing durable factory floors with colloidal silica P3
Beautiful fantastic: roof tiles as cladding Beautiful fantastic: roof tiles as cladding Beautiful fantastic: roof tiles as cladding
A warm palette sets an indulgent tone A warm palette sets an indulgent tone A warm palette sets an indulgent tone
Blending contemporary styling and heritage Blending contemporary styling and heritage Blending contemporary styling and heritage
Community versus construction mafia Community versus construction mafia Community versus construction mafia
Train station below, public park above Train station below, public park above Train station below, public park above
Making a splash with glazed bricks Making a splash with glazed bricks Making a splash with glazed bricks
Temporary structure designed for re-use Temporary structure designed for re-use Temporary structure designed for re-use
JHB-mall boasts South Africa’s largest rooftop solar system JHB-mall boasts South Africa’s largest rooftop solar system JHB-mall boasts South Africa’s largest rooftop solar system
Sports aesthetics for an urban landscape Sports aesthetics for an urban landscape Sports aesthetics for an urban landscape
5 stars for Cape Town’s largest shopping centre 5 stars for Cape Town’s largest shopping centre 5 stars for Cape Town’s largest shopping centre
Small project embracing zero waste impact Small project embracing zero waste impact Small project embracing zero waste impact
Impact-resistance flooring upgrade for Department of Basic Education Impact-resistance flooring upgrade for Department of Basic Education Impact-resistance flooring upgrade for Department of Basic Education