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B.U.I.L.D Programme launched: What does it mean?

B.U.I.L.D Programme

The local construction industry has long been identified as a catalyst for economic growth and social development. In a post-pandemic South Africa, the Best Practice Project Assessment Scheme, otherwise known as the B.U.I.L.D Programme, aims to unlock these opportunities.  

Speaking at the official launch of the programme in Pretoria on 14 March 2024, the deputy minister of public works, Bernice Swarts, recalled the words of Founding President Nelson Mandela who, in his inauguration speech on 10 May 1994, said: “The time to build is upon us.” 

Why B.U.I.L.D? 

The programme was conceived to accelerate inclusive development of the construction industry, opening doors for emerging contractors and driving skills development in the construction industry. 

Through the B.U.I.L.D Programme, the Department of Public Works and Infrastructure seeks to make a qualitative and measurable contribution to the transformation of the construction industry. Its objective is to see a wider participation of emerging enterprises, women and youth in the sector.  


The CIDB Act empowers the Construction Industry Development Board (cidb) to set up the B.U.I.L.D Fund, which requires that for projects above the prescribed thresholds, 0,2% must be contributed, up to a maximum cap of R2 million. Swarts announced that the cidb has established a partnership with the Small Enterprise Finance Agency (SEFA) to increase financial support for the emerging sector, through the B.U.I.L.D Fund.  

Industry collaboration 

Swarts extended a word of appreciation to all in the South African construction industry, applauding its tenacity, resilience and patriotism. She urged people to speak more positively about the local construction sector, to lead by example and be the first to invest in it to build investor confidence. 

“It is in your hands to make the B.U.I.L.D programme a success and to transform the construction industry and make it truly inclusive,” Swarts concluded. 


The launch of the B.U.I.L.D Programme aims to create a construction industry that is rooted in inclusive development. 


Full thanks and acknowledgement go to for the information in this article.  

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